Mr. Pieter Torrez, Science Communication and IT Support Officer

Pieter is a marine scientist with a side-project-turned-specialty in visualizing information. He shares your enthusiasm about research and puts that energy into clear and attractive designs. Pieter has a MSc in biology and more than eight years of experience in visual science communication at the VIB (Flanders Institute of Biotechnology) and various international projects. He has given guest lectures about scientific design at the Universities of Antwerp, Gent, Leuven and Luxemburg.

Before joining Seascape as a Science and Communications Officer, he was in charge of the design department of an agency active in life science communication.

As Science and Communications Officer, Pieter will be active and support a range of Seascape Belgium activities and projects. He will work on supporting communications for specific HE Research Projects. He will also provide targeted support for EMODnet communication (e.g. website, infographics, etc.) and support management of the collaborative tools EMODnet uses.